The chariot of God (Yahweh) is an archetype imprinted into a hologram, on a flat, two-dimensional surface – the plane of the Zodiac Cycle, which has programmed man into three-dimensional Cartesian space: where the Abraham Accords, are merely the start of a past repetitive or cyclic nuclear event – “Armageddon”.
…The 33rd Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall claimed “Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity – an outer organisation concealing an inner of the elect…It is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible”. He went on to claim: “The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of the mysterious arcanum acandrum (a secret mystery). In each generation, only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the Work…… Archaeologists excavating remains of Jewish synagogues in the Holy Land are sometimes puzzled to find the floors decorated with the zodiacal circle of twelve constellations e.g. Taurus, Aries etc …… For the Earth to complete retardation through all the twelve Zodiacal Ages requires 25,920 years (12 x 2,160), where the Earth returns to the same spot or location. This is known as the Great Year or cycle. It is this zodiac cycle and Great Year, that a secret group of apocalyptic Initiates are working to. A cycle which is archetypal and depicted in a Tarot pack they use, of great antiquity. Those archetypes I concluded have mind control capability in man……“I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, Sayeth the Lord, Which is, and which was, and which will be” (Revelations 1:8). Good luck with that.