The Conspiracy within the Conspiracy: Shape-shifting Reptiles, QAnon, Covid-19
A conspiracy that can be proven with evidence, is always based on the maintenance of POWER and CONTROL. The decline in investigative…
Secret plans for a primitive world religion
A world political order of “Unity” actively pursued by international political capitalists and Judaeo- Masonry at least since the time of the French Revolution, has been planning a primitive universal world religion based on Nature and aims to take religions back to a common root that is compatible with world communism. An esoteric doctrine that is already at the centre of the U.N….
Covid-19: Geopolitical strategy alert
A discernable pattern emerges with the ability to look back at history where manufactured escalating world ‘crises’ have served as convenient launching points for incrementally larger pieces of the world government agenda to emerge….
Imperium in imperio – ‘a state within a state’
Masonic coat-of-arms used by Grand Lodge of England was a Jewish design. Lucien Wolf stated it was: ‘an attempt to display heraldically the various forms of the cherubim pictured in the second vision of Ezekiel – an ox, man, lion and eagle where all belong to the highest and most mystical domain of Hebrew symbolism’ …
Saudi Arabia oil attack – 9/11 re-run: How to start secret multiple wars in the Middle East part 2
US joint Israeli foreign policy…
Saudi Arabia oil attack – 9/11 re-run: how to start secret multiple wars in the Middle East part 1
US Israel shared foreign policy…
Operation Paperclip, Rockefeller and Jack Parsons
On the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, the question is did the technology for the forerunner of the Saturn V rocket that reportedly put Neil Armstrong on the Moon on July 22, 1969 originate with Wernher von Braun a 22 year old SS officer with a PhD in engineering or did it originate with the brilliant occult US rocket scientist Jack Parsons and what role did William C. Rockefeller play in the NAZI V-2 rocket programme?…