
This is just some of the feedback I receive from my customers and what they’re saying about my books

Dear Renee – Thank you so much for writing your wonderful books…and I do mean that sincerely.

(from BM a descendent of President Andrew Jackson: USA)

Dear Alpha Education, would you, please send us your catalogue and most urgently your volume 2. We are in the middle of “Theatre Earth” – I volume and it is fascinating…please continue to distribute your Alpha Truth” .

(JU London)

Dear friend, I would like you to know that I have passed ‘Theatre Earth’ to a number of friends who feel that for the first time, questions have been answered for them and I would like to pass on their thanks as well as mine.

(M W Sheffield UK).

Dear R Henry, May I say, how difficult it is to write down all of the intricate details necessary to make others understand the inner revelations you have gained over the years. I have tried many times and failed, continuously. Why? Because I find it impossible to relate exactly how I discovered the “revelations.”

(CN Northumberland UK).

Dear Mr. (! a typical assumption of male science) Henry I regret that Professor Hawking is unable to read the books, and cannot comment on the papers you sent. This is due to both his severe disabilities and various long-standing commitments awaiting him upon his return from China next week.”

(University of Cambridge Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics UK).

Hi Renee, I am looking forward with immense anticipation to persuing your work.

(RA West Yorks UK)

Dear Alder, WHO ARE YOU!


Dear R. Henry Thank you for the material you sent me, setting out your interesting and original ideas in Theatre Earth.

(President Lord May of Oxford The Royal Society London UK).

Dear Renee Thank you for your courage in trying to bring these things into the open. It seems a big subject to put it mildly…I’m sure the majority of “ordinary” Masonic members are there to try to do good, and they may not understand the whole structure and organisation.

(BM Kent UK).

Dear Alder I have thoroughly enjoyed Theatre Earth and would very much like to read any of your other publications.

(KH Ontario Canada).

Dear Renee Do not ever give up writing, our children are depending on you.

(Dagmar Canada).

Dear Friend I have just come across your new book… I am very excited and encouraged that your writing and research continues.

(W J Sussex UK).

Dear Alder very warm greetings from London! And wishing you the very best and fruitful and great time writing your following volumes of your important book series – Theatre Earth! May Divine God bless you and all that you do, and may Divine Archangels protect you all the time!

( members of St Mary’s Church, incorporating The Magdalene Centre UK).

A card from St. Michael’s Church Camden Town London carried “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon;” (Revelation 12:7) “God bless.”


Dear Friends Last Year you sent me your wonderful books and said volumes 3 & 4 of Theatre Earth might be here in Spring (2005). Can I pre-order them.

(MD Isle of Man).
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